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Invariant Mass Window
Track Momenta Window
Canvas Window
Control Window
Part I – Single Tracks
Part II – Combinations of Tracks
Part III – Discover the Higgs particle


In HYPATIA you have four different windows which provide you all the info needed. There are:
  • Invariant Mass Window
  • Canvas Window
  • Track Momenta Window
  • Parameters Window
Start with the "Canvas Window". There you see either a graphical representation of the front–view (or the end-view) of the detector surrounding the collision point. As already discussed in the "Basics" page, the produced particles interact with different parts of the detector shown in different colours and leave traces which are shown as lines called tracks. In order to learn more about these tracks you have to go to the "Track Momenta Window", which shows the energy of the selected tracks. If you want to go further and combine several tracks to test if they come from the decay of a single particle, you will have to go to "Invariant Mass Window".

Invariant Mass Window
The Invariant Mass Window is the main analysis window of HYPATIA. You can see the chosen (by user) tracks of each event and values of theirs main physical quantities (momentum etc.). For each event the invariant (or transverse) masses of combinations of chosen particles are automatically calculated and displayed.

Track Momenta Window
In Track Momenta Window you can see the energies and momenta of all the tracks which you pick at a first step and insert for analysis.

Canvas Window
The display window or canvas is an event display (standard ATLANTIS) There the ATLAS detectors and tracks of the events are drawn.

Control Window
The Control Window is used to view and modify parameters and selections that control the pictures on the Canvas and tracks in Track Momenta Window.